Dear Interns,
Your mission will commence shortly. I have tried everything, but regrettably I wasn’t able to postpone my mission in Hawaii. As I will not be able to greet you in person, you will find everything you need to know in this letter.
Forward this information to ALL team members!
DATE and TIME: Be on time – The Property Management are extremely fussy and lateness will not be tolerated. In case of lateness (Even if it is only 5 minutes) the ghost hunt will not take place.
MISSION LOCATION: Ruschestraße 70, 10365 Berlin-Lichtenberg
MEETING PLACE: Car park behind the building.
An employee from the property management group will pick you up from the former petrol station building. You will find a sketch of the location below this letter. For emergencies you can contact the property manager on +49 (0) 30 373 065 11.
MISSION CONDITIONS: The mission will begin IMMEDIATELY. You will not have time beforehand to drink a cup of tea, tie your shoes, or go to the toilet. Leave all sharp objects or unnecessary luggage at home or in your car. Be sure to bring your protective and/or reading glasses.
CLOTHING: Uniform clothing in muted colours. (red and orange irritates ghosts and green will cost you your life in case of ghouls).
FOOTWEAR: Appropriate footwear for rough terrain. Ectoplasm- and watertight footwear is recommended.
EQUIPMENT: Not required. Please leave any home made ghost-traps at home! I have sent my patented professional equipment which will more than fulfill all of your ghost hunting needs.
PLEASE WRITE TO ME IMMEDIATELY in case your group size has changed so that I can see to it that you have the amount of equipment required (naturally at an extra cost).
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!
Greetings from Hawaii!